Jikita, the sweet giant!
Grand daughter of Vivian, Jikita inherited her long, fine and high on legs type, with that so special "lady's class".
With the strong bone structure of grand pa Piero, it's so great to have these lines crossed with Asterix.
I am really fan of her perfect profile and her so wonderful big ears with XXL lynx tips.
She has a very dark and cold brown tabby color, so different of her warm brown tortie sister Lilandra.
While Jikita is really going on Vivian's line, Lilandra is much more from Saffran's one. Both sisters were given a fantastic coat by their father Asterix, together with super adorable and sweet temper.
Thank you Claire, for having giving me the opportunity to have Jikita back from your hostcat litter !
Jiki is a purring machine, who love garden and flowers.
Unfortunately, she's not very fan of shows, so I decided to let her have a quiet life at home.