Antarès, sister of Rigel, daughter of Saffran et Farrell, is for me the very typical Norwegian Forest Cat that I would like to breed, with that fantastic special look which make me crazy.
Yes, I agree, she's maybe not really what the actual "NFO fashion" would like! with a bit straight ears, and medium head.
But she's MY OWN perfect cat in type, with such fantastic boning, coat quality, expression, profile, strong head lines.
Her marvellous look comes from her mother's line, quite the same than her half sister Gaelic Legend for example.
I also love her long ear-tufts coming out the ears (thanks to dad Farrell!) and most important: her super quiet and sweet temper.
Antarès was the perfect female for Dancing Lord : parents of some fantastic kittens, they offered us SC Ixmoor de Laïloiken JW DVM (IT*Riverdance), IP Lovely Domino and IC Never Ending Legend stayed at home.
We are looking forward to discover Antrarès' kittens with Kaiser....
In 2019, Antarès won the title of BEST NFO BREEDING FEMALE in France, and she really deserves it!