Saffran, my first Norwegian Forest Cat imported from Sweden! It has been really like a dream for ten years, that finally came true.
With a half Swedish and half Danish pedigree, Saffran brings for me new lines - but very wellknown ones. With a super boning, wonderful coat quality, perfect profile... she also brings lots of type qualities. And most of all... a fantastic LOOK!!
At first sight on little newborn Saffran, I felt like if she was a little tortie out of one of my own litters, so flashy, so .. just like I dreamt. For sure, it was a sign ;-)
And she has developped just as I guessed: into a wonderful cat !
She gave me beautiful kittens and became surely the new queen of the cattery.
Mother of beautiful Freya (cattery Eperon), of sweet girly Gaelic Legend (cattery Skadi's), of big impressive Geremiah (cattery Northstorm's), of little star Altaïr (cattery Clos de Cachadar) , of swedish beauty Aldebaran (cattery Lifthrasir) and of course!!!! of my two beloved false twins, cutie Rigel and lady Antarès, and finally of my sweet giant Jasperine... Saffran is really one of the most wonderful breeding females, giving so much qualities in type and temper.
I just LOVE HER.
Thank you so much Gunnel for that tresure!
Choosing her was my best breeding choice in the last years :-)