Rigel, Antarès' sister, daughter of Saffran and Farrell, is the real daughter of her Dad!! In look, boning, coat, she was so much like Farrell , since she was a small kitten, that it was impossible to let her go ;-)
Like a little clone of Farrell, she's a big furball on strong paws. She has this so special charisma coming from her father's line.
She has a medium head, with nice triangle shape, a bit light chin, but very straight profile and fantastic big and well placed ears.
Rigel is a purring machine who likes to be in the air - in my arms, on my shoulders.... and spends lots of time playing and runing everywhere.
Rigel's first fiancé will be Loki - an open mating suposed to combine very well the two!
I am very impatient and looking forward to let them meet but....
they must grow a little bit before!