Litter 17... the Space litter

EC August Strindberg Felis Jubatus*DK + IC Lavanda of Seven Smokes*CH

kittens born on 15/08/2005

litter's pedigree
August is living in Cattery av Trulla, Germany.
A big THANKS to Axel and Marion Platz
Ariane female blue mackerell tabby (a 23) family Perret
(live with Ava Gardner de Laïloken)
Atlantis male blue silver mackerell tabby & white (as 09 23) Family Fransquin, France
Apollo male brown mackerell tabby & white (n 09 23) lives by Muriel and all her 4 legs family!

Pictures : 1 day 10 days 3 weeks 5 weeks
7 weeks 8 weeks 10 weeks 12 weeks
pictures 7 months old